View links to documents in excel for mac
View links to documents in excel for mac

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Go through each sheet and select every cell. (Thanks to Roger, Yuri and others in the comments for these additions) These features include Conditional Formats. UPDATE: Some links to external files can be hidden in any Excel feature that can reference sheet ranges. Delete any external links in Conditional Formats. Other objects such as form controls or linked images may reference external files. You can check these as well before you go to the next step. You don’t have a range reference in this case.Īlso check the chart titles and other chart elements for external links such as this: The difficulty is going to be finding the cells. If this is the case then you’ll still need to cut the cells from the external file and paste in your problem workbook. If you’ve already tried to BREAK LINKS to this file then instead of the file and range (above), all you will is a list of values (below). Go to this data in the external file, cut it and paste it in your problem workbook next to the chart. If you see a link to an external file in the name or values then you have found some phantom links. Right click the chart then ‘SELECT DATA’.

view links to documents in excel for mac

In the VBE you can click on the hidden sheet then change its visible property to xlVisible. Or you can unhide them in the Visual Basic Editor (click ALT+F11). You can either click to remove the sheets. Click FILE – CHECK FOR ISSUES – INSPECT DOCUMENT to find any hidden sheets. This is unlikely unless you or someone else has set the sheet ‘Visible’ property to xlVeryHidden in the Visual Basic Editor. If FILE-INFO is saying there are still hidden sheets then your file may have sheets that are ‘Very Hidden’. It is possible that your workbook has hidden sheets so you may need to unhide them and check these for charts as well. This will create a phantom link.Ĭheck if your file has any charts.

It is possible that some of the series data used by an Excel® chart has been moved to an external file. If you still cannot break link then go on the next step. Go back to check EDIT LINKS to see if this has resolved your phantom link problem. You can now check the list of links before you proceed.

view links to documents in excel for mac

  • Type “xl*]” in the ‘Find what:’ box (don’t include the inverted commas in the box).
  • If you want to identify all cells with references to external workbooks before you carry out this process you can do so: The Break Link function replaces the external links in any formulas with constant values. This step will succeed in breaking links unless there are “phantom links” with the workbook. Once all the sheet are unprotected you can go on the next step. Under PROTECT WORKBOOK at the top you will see a list of any protected sheets. If you are using Excel® 2010 or later you can go to FILE – INFO.

    You can use our free audit tools to find all cells with external links. Excel® will give you a warning that the external link cannot be broken due to the sheet being protected.Įxcel® won’t be helpful enough to tell you which sheet contains the external link so you may need to go searching for it.

    view links to documents in excel for mac

    You will need to unprotect this sheet or go to another sheet before you try and break links.ī) If a cell within a protected sheet is linked to an external file then you won’t be able to break links. Unprotect Sheets in your Problem FileĪ) When the active sheet is protected and you try to edit links the BREAK LINK button will be grayed out. Lets go through each of those steps in more detail to make sure you can break links. Some of these problems can be fixed with our add-in: fix and speed up Excel® files tools FREE ADD-IN.

  • Save the file as file type ‘xls’ then back to ‘xlsx’ (or whatever the original file type was).
  • view links to documents in excel for mac

  • Navigate to the folder ‘>xl’ file and delete the folder named ‘externalLinks’.
  • Rename it in file explorer: changing the extension from.
  • Check Conditional Formats and Data Validation for similar phantom links.
  • Also check chart titles and data label ranges. Check each series, if any ranges are in external files then cut the range from the external file and paste in to problem file.
  • Check all chart series ranges: Right click chart – SELECT DATA – (SERIES) EDIT.
  • Delete all named ranges to external files: FORMULA RIBBON – (DEFINED NAMES) NAME MANAGER.
  • Break links: DATA RIBBON – (CONNECTIONS) EDIT LINKS – Select sheet then BREAK LINK.
  • Unprotect each sheet in your problem file: HOME RIBBON – (CELLS) FORMAT – PROTECT SHEETS.
  • If you cannot break links in Excel® then follow these steps (backup your file first):

    View links to documents in excel for mac